Friday, September 14, 2007

I am Sleepy

Today saw me conquered and brought to my knees (And right now I am typing this kneeling down). Late last night, when I went to bed I had no inkling of what was to happen. Apparently there has been an attack of extreme sleepiness overnight and before I could realize it, I was seized.

Starting from the time I woke up, or rather tried to wake up, this morning, sleepiness has sort of closed its vice like grip on me. Beginning of the day and it had to be put off because when I woke up, I didn't want to be awake and so promptly went back to sleep. I finally woke up after I knew for sure that I would be late for office and remembered that was a no-no because I had a meeting with a client. I usually don't sleep-walk but today I guess I did a pretty good imitation of it though. All the same, I sleep-walked in for my bath and the scalding water I poured over myself by mistake sort of helped awaken me a little. After that I must have fallen asleep and started sleep-dressing and sleep-riding because I really don't remember how I got dressed or how I reached office or in what order those two activities happened.

As far as I remember, one moment I was trying to make sure that the hot water hadn't peeled off my skin and the next, I was in office, sitting at my desk and wondering how I had gotten there. That was just before I started regretting the fact that the office doesn't have a recliner that I could use. That small detail regarding the client meeting must have put up a hell of a fight to make its way through all those recliner and sleep and relaxation themed thoughts and come to the forefront of my mind, because I suddenly remembered the client and what I was supposed to do. I booked a cab and with some super human effort (a fast and short nap during the car ride helped) I managed to meet the client and work with them as well.

Having thus taken care of business for the day, I left the client and promptly stretched out in the cab, ready to go to la la land. Unfortunately, la la land was looking very much like my office, until one of my team-mates managed to get through my haze filled brain and made me realize that I was indeed back in office. Now, after another go at sleep-riding my bike, I am here at home, probably sleep-typing this whole, inane sleep inducing post.

Tomorrow I will probably realize what happened here. Until then, please don't hold me responsible for this post. I am not awake and not in my senses even as I am typing this.


Momgen said...

hi just have some sleep just kidding... Just visiting your blog.

AVP said...

Thank you. :o)