Sunday, January 10, 2010


For ages I used to think that I wouldn't change, meaning I would remain the same kind of person I have always been irrespective of my age or my girth. And I still think the same way. Except during those bouts of honest self appraisal when I look back and notice the differences between the snapshot of me from the past and me in the present. Much like in a game of 'Spot the 6 differences', the changes are subtle but they are there. However I am not about to start a dissertation titled 'Me and Change'. Nope. That would be an overload on my mental faculties which are already stretched, it would require me to be honest about me to myself for a considerable amount of time and in any case, you don't want to read a dissertation by someone who had to look up that word in a dictionary before using it here, now do you?

No. What I had in mind was more in the nature of why change happens. I am rather confused by it. It's a loaded question, no doubt, and the acceptable answer(s) to that is(are) probably found in the realm of philosophy. Saying that change is the way life persists and that is why change happens is probably an oversimplification but I will stick to this answer. After all evolution is nothing but change and seen from that perspective, my over simplified answer sounds correct (atleast to me). But I am not looking at it from a philosophical or existential point of view. My confusion stems from the fact that change seems to happen only in some areas and not uniformly in all. To state an example, in this past decade, which has been affectionately dubbed the 'noughties', I have seen more and more people accept the concept of 'eating out' as opposed to having home cooked food at home but in these same 'noughties' I have also seen an unbelievable proliferation of engineering and medical colleges, of wildly varying pedigree and standards, proving that when it comes to options for higher studies nothing had changed.

So why does change happen? Are there some areas which more change resistant than others and if so, what makes them change resistant?

1 comment:

Sakina Adeeb said...
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